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Books by Niko Roorda

Dr. Niko Roorda is an author of books since 2005, when his first book was published: The first edition of the Dutch Basisboek Duurzame Ontwikkeling. Since then more than twenty books and editions were published in four languages.

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> For a full overview of Niko's publications, go to his ResearchGate profile

> For more books, go to Roorda's  Recreational books.

Sustainability Textbooks for Universities & Colleges  (Dutch, English, German)

Basisboek DO
(5e editie, 2025)

Fundamentals of SD
(4th edition, 2025)

Grundlagen der nE
(2. Edition, 2025)

SD Textbooks 2025:
Bibliography & Accessories

RESFIA+D:  Competences for SD & CSR  (Dutch, Engl.)

Economics & Long-term Sustainability  (Dutch, English) 

De 7 Competenties (2015)

The 7 Competences (2018)

Duurzame Economie (2021)

Sustainable Economics (2022)

PhD  (English)

Sustainable Development: other  (Dutch)

PhD Thesis (2010)

Ons Huis, Planeet Aarde (2008)

Werken aan Du. Ontwikk. (2007)

Duurzaam Ondernemen (2007)

Management Methods for Sustainable Development & CSR  (Dutch, English, Swedish, French)

FFEA (2018)

FFEA Extensions (2019)

AISHE 2.0 (Engl., Dutch, 2009)

AISHE 1.0 (Svenska, 2008)