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Pdf's and Powerpoints of Presentations in English

Here is a short selection of papers presented by Roorda in English through the years.

> For presentations in Dutch, go here.

> If you want to see a longer selection, please look at Roorda's EuroPass CV.

> Click on a presentation title to watch or download the presentation.

Venlo, 2020:
The Food Chain, a View from the Future
Guest Lecture, HAS University

Budapest, Hungary 2016:
The Sustainably Competent Educator
Erasmus+ project 'A Rounder Sense of Purpose', chaired by the University of Gloucestershire, UK.

Paris, France 2015:
RESFIA+D: the Seven Competences of the Sustainable Professional
Éco-Campus 3 Conference, side-event of the COP21 Conference on Climate Change
Organized by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) and the Conférence des présidents d'université (CPU)



Budapest, 2016


Brussels, 2014

Malta, 2011:
AISHE: Assessment of Sustainable Development in Higher Education
Malta Summer School, Innovation in the teaching of Sustainable development in Life sciences in Europe (ISLE)

Buenos Aires / La Plata, Argentina 2009:
AISHE, Assessment Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education
VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Ambiental, Unidad de Coordinación de Educación Ambiental

Argentina, 2009 

Florence, Italy 2001:
Assessment of Sustainability in Higher Education (SHE) as a cooperation of SHE Networks
Environmental Training in Engineering Education (ENTREE) Conference, Environmental Engineering and Education (EEE) Network

South Africa, 2002