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Alphabetical Index

Index of the textbook Fundamentals of Sustainable Development, edition 2025.

 #   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z


7 Rs 203
24-hour economy 116


Accommodation 159
Accountable 283
Action perspective 23, 277
Action skills 23
Activism 226
Adaptation 12, 58, 159
Adapting Mosaic 86
Added value 205
Advancement of Sound Science Coalition, The (TASCC) 217
Advertising 277
African Union (AU) 25
Afsluitdijk 252
Agenda 21 125
Agenda 2030 125, 169
Agenda for Nature Restoration 178
Agent Orange 181
Age of Imperialism 103, 120
Age of the Humans 252, 264
Agriculture 149
Aichi Biodiversity Targets 183
AI revolution 152
AI transition 152, 166
Albedo 46
Alienation 117
Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) 67
Amazon 108
Ambition level 279
American Revolution 99
Ammonia (NH3) 183
Amnesty International 278
Animal suffering 205
Antarctica 53, 75
Anthropocene 21, 93, 252, 290
Anthropocentrism 209, 257, 258
Anthropogenic greenhouse effect 44
Antibiotic resistance 205
Apparent temperature 52
Apple 107
Aquaculture 190
Aquifer 38
Arab Golden Age 96
Arcadis 218
Archetype 256                                                                                                                        Figure 11.1:  The Anthropocene
Aristotle 149, 249
Arsenic 192
Asylum seeker 113
Athens 103
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) 54


Baby boom 78
Backcasting 81
BackelBioChem 281
Back to Nature 187
Bangkok Declaration 120
BASF 218
Bayer 218
B Corp Certificate 212
Beneficial corporation 212
Ben & Jerry’s 212
Bhatia, Manas 83
Biafran civil war 122
Big Oil companies 196
Bill of Rights (British) 99
Biocapacity 14
Biodiversity 175
Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) 190
Biodiversity strategy (BDS) 156
Bioengineering 189
Biological cycle 201
Biomass 58
Biomimicry 187
B Lab 212
Black Lives Matter 118, 226
Bloomberg Billionaires Index 235
Blue energy 58
Bluewashing 216, 277
Bonded labour 234
Bottom trawls 190
Bottom-up 164
Breakthrough 166
Breathing movement 17, 171
Brexit 266
British Empire 101
Brundtland Commission 30
Brundtland Definition 33
Brundtland, Gro Harlem 30                                                                          Figure 4.7 (partly): Three stages of a Baby boom
Bruno, Giordano 98
Bt cotton 189
Business as Usual (BAU) 63, 81                                   
Business economics 212                                                                              Figure 4.7 (partly):  Three stages of a Babyboom
Business to Business (B2B) 220


C2C 198
Calvin, John 96
Cap-and-trade 62
    Human 208
    Natural 206, 207
Capitalism 139, 239, 257, 268
Capitalism, sustainable 269
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) 62
Carbon Brief 48
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) 59
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 44
Carbon sequestration 59
Carson, Rachel 29, 180
Cartogram 17
Cause and effect 282
Certifications 214
CFCs 30, 148
Characteristics of transitions 152
Charity 240
Chemical photo companies 167
Chemical warfare 181
Cherokee Nation 223
Chevron 218
Child, definition of 142
Child labour 205
Child marriage 142
Children 225
Child slaves 233
Child soldiers 233
China 103
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 30, 44
Chlorophyll 188
Chocolate 229
Circular 18, 259
Circular economy 201
Circular transition 205
Circumcision 142, 225
Citizen 23, 225, 280
Civil society 164, 223
Clarke, Arthur C. 162
Clarke’s Laws 162, 271
Clausewitz, Carl von 265
Climate Action 58
Climate Change Litigation Databases 66
Climate conundrum 289
Climate neutral 62, 153
Climate of Concern 218
Climate refugees 51
Club of Rome 81
CO2 efficiency 155
CO2 equivalent 45
Cobalt 109                                                                                                                 Figure 4.13:  Consequence Scope & Periode
Codes 214
Co-evolution 164
Collapse 74
Colonialism 149
Colonisation wave
    First 96
    Second 100
Columbus, Christopher 96
Combined heat and power (CHP) 58
Commercial Revolution 105
Commercials 268
Commodification 207
Commons 39, 107, 185, 190, 197, 243, 263
Competence levels 285
Complex system 36, 259
Conference of the Parties (COP) 60
Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) 157
Conscience 283, 292
Consequence period 91, 118, 181, 214, 283
Consequence scope 91, 118, 181, 214, 283
Consistency 132
Consolidation 167
Conspiracy theories 277
Constitution of Ecuador 262
Consumer 23, 280
Consumerism 106, 268
Contraction 210
Control 11, 159
Convention for the Protection of Biodiversity in the High Seas (HST) 190
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 183
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 225
Cookies 117
Copenhagen Accord 61
Copernicus, Nicolaus 96, 259
Coral 55
Coral reefs 184
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 214
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) 220
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) 220
Covid pandemic 132, 227
Cradle to Cradle (C2C) 198
Cretaceous 175
Criteria for good projects 288
Crocodile mouth (metaphor) 164
CSR 214
Cultural assimilation 227
Cultural imperialism 120
Cultural relativism 120
Cultured meat 8
Cultures 227
Cycle 19
    Biological 201
     Technological 201


Dam Removal Europe 12
Dams 58
Darwin, Charles 258
DDT 29, 180
Dead zones 56, 190
Debt bondage 233
Debt relief 139
Debt service 135
Decision 93
Declaration of Independence 99
Decommissioning 60
Decoupling 211
Deep Ecology 261
Deep-sea mining (DSM) 197
Deep time 88, 181, 243, 264
Degrowth 211
Dehumanisation 115
Delta Plan 11, 252
Dematerialisation 211
Democracy 142
Depression 210
Design for Disassembly (DfD) 198
Despair 291
Detail-oriented 16
Development aid 133
Digital Natives 227
Dimensions of sustainable development 34
Dinosaurs 175, 259
Direct air capture (DAC) 59
Disabled 225
Discrimination 283
Dismantling 60
Domination 159
Doomsday scenarios 265
Dot on the horizon 151, 163
Doubling time 72
Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) 214
Downcycling 203
Dragons of Inaction 290
Dream 163, 271
Due diligence 220                                                                                        Figure 1.2:  Delta Plan, Zeeland, Netherlands
Dust Bowl 50
Dynamic equilibrium 243
Dynastic states 101
Dystopia 81


Earth Charter 144, 269
Earth heat 58
Earth Overshoot Day 15
Earth Summit 60, 125
Eastman Kodak 167
Ecocentric 260
Ecocide 67, 182
Ecoducts 184
Eco-efficiency 150
Ecological efficiency 150, 186, 204
Ecological extractability 196
Ecological footprint 13
Ecological resilience 183
Ecological sustainability 32
Economic bubble 106
Economic efficiency 186
Economic extractability 195
Economic imperialism 120, 134
Economic refugee 114
Economic sustainability 33
Economic value 208
Economism 257
Ecopoints 200
Ecopreneurs 26
Ecosystem Accounting (EA) 206                                                              Figure 3.11:  Emission of Greenhouse Gases
Ecosystem services 85, 184
Ecuador, Constitution of 262
Education for sustainable development (ESD) 245, 287
Ecological 150, 186, 204
Economic 186
Eijsden-Margraten 261
Elderly 225
El Niño 49
Emancipation 223
Emergent 163
Emission 44
Emission rights 62
Empiricism 96
Employees’ council 108
Empowerment 223
Energy Roadmap 2050 154
Energy storage 58
Energy transition 58
Enhanced greenhouse effect 44
Enlightenment 98, 266
Enough food 185
Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) 212
Epicurean 289
Erasmus, Desiderius 96
ESD 287
ESG 212
Ethics 260
EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) 61
EU Green Deal 153
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) 65, 225
European Economic Community (EEC) 135
Eutrophication 56, 183
Evolution 175
Evolution theory 258
Exnovation 166
Exponential growth 72
Extensification 58
External costs 204
External debt 135
Externalities 59, 204, 255
Extinct in the wild 174
Extinction peak 175
Extinction Rebellion 227
Extinction wave 175
     Ecological 196
     Economic 195
     Societal 197
     Technical 195
Extractability for a thousand years 264
Extreme poverty 113, 129
Extrinsic value 209
ExxonMobil 218


Facebook 218
Facebook Family 112
Factor 20 150
Facts, assumptions and opinions 283
Failed states 134
Fairmined 214
Fair share 14
Fair trade 204
Fairtrade 214
Fake news 268
Farm to Fork (F2F) 156
Feed 18
Feedbacks 36
Fertiliser 183
Financial value 205, 208
Finland 88
Fipronil 180
First colonisation wave 96
First Roorda Law 162
First Self-Awareness Wave 96
Fit for 55 154
Five-Fold Helix 243
Flexibility 159
Floating megacities 160
Floods 49
Florida Keys 160
Flower Power 226
Follow This 64
Footprint 13
Footprint Calculator 23
Footprint per country 17
Footprint, personal 23
Forced marriage 142, 233
Four Spheres 254
Fourth Self-awareness Wave 118
Fracking 197
Fragile states 134
Freedom 142                                                                                                                 Figure 11.3:  Four Spheres
Freedom of expression 268
Freedom of opinion forming 268
French Revolution 99, 166
Freon 30, 147
Friedman, Milton 106
Friends of the Earth International 66, 196
Fujifilm 167, 199


G7 104, 139
Galilei, Galileo 98
Gandhi, Mohandas ‘Mahatma’ 166
Gates Foundation 239
Generations 226
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) 189
Genital mutilation 142, 225
Genocide 265
Gen Tech 227
Geoengineering 59
Geothermal energy 58
Gini index (Gini coefficient) 236
Global Climate Risk Index 65
Global Compact (UNGC) 215
Global Footprint Network 17
Global hectares (gha) 14
Globalisation 86, 227
Globally extinct 174
Global Orchestration 86
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 214
Global Stocktake 61
Global warming potential 44
Glued-on sustainability 273
Glyphosate 181, 218
GMOs 189
Going to court 65
Golden Age, Arab 96
Golden rice 189
Good ancestor 290
Good decision 93, 141
Grand Narrative 257, 268
Gravity 149
Great Acceleration 252
Great Adventure, The 16
Great Ape Project, The 261
Great Depression 106
Great Green Wall (GGW) 25, 139, 184, 244
Great Green Wall of Aravali 184
Great Oxidation Event 18
Great Recession 106
Great Salt Lake 50
Great Unravelling 290
Great Urgencies 181
Green Deal 153, 212
Green Deal Industrial Plan (GDIP) 156, 212
Green growth 212
Greenhouse effect 44
Greenhouse gases 44
Greenland 53
Greenpeace 278
Greenwashing 216, 277
Greying population 78
GRI 214
Gross domestic product (GDP) 205                                                                  Figure 4.2:  Growth Curves
Gross national income (GNI) 135
Gross world product (GWP) 71, 80
Group of Seven 104
Growth 142, 210, 258
Growth Curves 72
Growth models 72
Guideline for a Good Decision 93, 118, 141, 181, 280
Guilt, guilty 118
Gulf Stream 54
Gulf War 181
Gutenberg, Johannes 96
Gwp 71


Half-live 88
Handprint 24, 278
Hardin, Garrett 39
Hayek, Friedrich 106
Health damage 205
Heat index 52
Heat radiation 43
Hedonist 289
Helix 241
Herbicides 180
Hidden poverty 114
High-level waste 88
High Plains Aquifer 38
High Seas Treaty (HST) 190
High-speed trains 158
Hippocratic Oath 292
Hobbes, Thomas 98, 249
Hockey stick 45
Holistically 16
Holocaust 265
Holocene 250
Homeostasis 211, 243, 267
Homo Economicus 106, 117
Hothouse Earth 57
Houses on stilts 159
Hoyle, Fred 291
Hubris 89
Human capital 208
Human Development Index (HDI) 233
Humanism 257
Human rights 120, 142, 261
Human trafficking 233                                                                           Figure 3.9:  Hothouse Earth, a potential tipping point
Hume, David 105, 249
Hurricanes 47
Hydrogen economy 58
Hypoxia 56, 190


Ice ages 46
Ice-albedo effect 46
Ice sheets 53
ICT revolution 163
Idealism, strategic 290
Identity 279
IGOs 105, 111, 118, 215
Illegal immigrant 114, 115
IMF board 137
Impact score 212
Imperialism 120
    Cultural 120
    Economic 120, 134
    Moral 120
    Postmodern 134
Imperialist powers 101
Import walls 119
Impossible foods 189
Improvement 148, 279
Inanimale conditions 186
Inclusiveness 141

 Figure 10.2:  Inclusiveness, or: who belongs, who does not...

India 104
India independence 166
Indians 223
Indicators (of the SDGs) 127
Individual rights 261
Indonesia 230
Industrial Revolution 44, 149, 251
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) 63
Influencers 268
Infodemic 268
Informal economy 230
Infrared light 43
Inhibited growth 73
Inner development goals 290
Innovation 148, 279
Insecticides 180
Instagram 218
Instrumental values 209
Integrated Chain Management (ICB) 198
Interdisciplinary 244
Interglacial periods 46
Intergovernmental organisations (IGOs) 105, 215
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 45
Internally displaced person (IDP) 113
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 88
International Court of Justice (ICJ) 66
International Criminal Court (ICC) 67, 182, 265
International dollar 129
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 111, 137
International Seabed Authority (ISA) 197
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) 67
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 174
Intrinsic sustainability 273
Intrinsic Sustainability Goals (ISGs) 22, 273
Intrinsic value 209
Invasive species 180
Invisible Hand 105
ISGs 22, 273
Islamic human rights declaration 120
IUCN 174


Jefferson, Thomas 99
Jet stream 48
Jevons’ Paradox 39
Just Transition Mechanism (JTM) 158


Kant, Immanuel 98, 121
King, Martin Luther 164
Krishnamurti 266
Kuznets, Simon 239
Kyoto Protocol 61, 153


Labels 214
Labour migrant 114
Ladder of ambition levels 279
Languages and scripts 227
Latin Revolution 99
Lavoisier, Antoine 98
Laws of Clarke 162, 271
LCA 199
LCOE 59, 90, 196
Leadership 23
League of Nations 98
Learning organisation 275
Learning society 275, 287
Legal personality 260
Legal persons 260
Legal subjects 260
Legitimate ownership 249
Leonardo da Vinci 96
Levee breach (metaphor) 166
Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) 59
LGBTQ+ 9, 141, 225
Liberty, equality, fraternity 99
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 199

Figure 9.2:  LCA of two coffee machines

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) 204
Life cycle of a product 198
Lifelong learning 275
Limitarism 241
Limits to Growth 81
Linear 37
Linear growth 72
Litigation 65
Little Ice Age 45
Livestock feed 18
Living Planet Index (LPI) 179
Living Planet Report 175
Locally extinct 174
Locke, John 98, 249
Logistic growth 73
Logosphere 254, 273
Loss and Damage Fund 65, 139
Loss of life years 205
Lottery 112
Luther, Martin 96


Maastricht Treaty 181
Machiavelli, Niccolo 265
Macroeconomics 206
Macroeconomic system 20, 22, 211
Made in Africa 112
Maersk 216
Maldives 161
Malthus, Thomas Robert 81, 183
Manganese nodules 197
Market economy 105
Mar Menor 261
Marshall Plan 134
Marx, Karl 249
MA scenarios 86
Maslow’s pyramid 216, 230
MDGs 125
Meadows, Dennis 81
Meat consumption 8
Mechanisation 78, 168
Megadroughts 50
Meme 256
Mental models 275
Mesopotamia 250
Meta 218
Methane (CH4) 44, 56
MeToo 118, 226
Miami 159
Miasma theory 150
Microeconomics 212
Microplastics 183, 190
Migrants 225
Migrant worker 114
Migration of species 51
Migration Period 53
Milankovic´ cycle 46
Milieudefensie 66, 196                                                                    Figure 4.8:  Two scenarios of the World3 model by Meadows et al
Millennials 226
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 125
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) 83, 109, 184
Millionaires’ fair 235
Mitigation 58, 153
Mobile phones 198
Monetisation 207, 208
Money attracts money 238, 268
Monsoon 48
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de 98
Montreal Protocol 75
Moral imperialism 120
More, Thomas 96
Motives 216
Mount Elgon 32
Multidimensional poverty 132
Multidisciplinary 244
Multifunctional space use 188
Mythosphere 257, 273


Nakate, Vanessa 64
Napoleon 99
National Plan 142
Nation-state 101, 255
Native Americans 223
NATO 104
Natura 2000 184
Natural capital 206, 207
Natural equilibrium 175
Natural greenhouse effect 44
Natural persons 260
Nature bridges 184
Nature Restoration Agenda 178, 244
Nature Restoration Law 156, 184
Nauru 197
Needs creation 268
Negative emissions 59
Negative feedback 37
Neoclassical 22, 211, 239
Neoliberal 106, 139, 240
Neonicotinoids 180, 218
New European Bauhaus (NEB) 157
Newton, Isaac 98
NGOs 215
Nigeria 122, 196
Nitrogen deposition 8, 183
Nitrogen oxide (NOx) 183
Nitrous oxide (N2O) 44
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) 215
Non-linear 37

Figure 2.8: Linear and non-linear behaviour

North and south 133
Northern European Enclosure Dam (NEED) 252
Norway 197
Nuclear fusion 58
Nuclear power 88
Nuclear reactors 58
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 88
Nuclear winter 182
Nuremberg Trials 265


Figure 4.4:  Restoration of the Ozone layer

Oath, Hippocratic 292
Ocean floor 197
Oceanix City 160
OECD 214
Ogallala Aquifer 38
One-and-a-half degrees 43
One-child policy 79
One-dollar criterion 129
One-way traffic 18, 197
Onkalo 88
Order from Strength 86
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) 214
Otherwise-believers 225
Our Common Future 30
Our Home: Planet Earth 262
Over-exploitation 13
Over-fertilisation 19
Own conscience as the ultimate yardstick 292
Ownership 249, 255, 263
Oxymoron 212
Ozone layer 74


P99/P50 236
Pacha Mama (Mother Earth) 262
Paradigm 12, 256
Paradigm shift 12, 159, 209
Paradox 267
Paris Agreement 61
Participation 32
Partnership 126, 133
Passion 24
Pathogen theory 150
P(doom) 152
Peace 126, 265
Peace with nature 267
Peak gas 196
Peak meat 8, 196
Peak oil 196
Peak uranium 196
People 20, 32, 126
People, Planet and Profit 30
Permaculture 187
Permafrost 56
Permanent student 280
Persian Empire 104
Personal action perspective 23, 279
Personal footprint 23
Perverse incentive 204, 206
Pesticides 180
Phenosphere 258, 273                                                                                                        Figure 1.7:  Paradigm shift
Philanthrocapitalism 240
Philip Morris 217
Philips 199
Photosynthesis 188
Piggy sooy 189
Piketty, Thomas 238
Planet 17, 32, 126, 171
Plants with animal genes 189
Pledge 26, 292
Pleistocene 250
Political compromises 141
Political refugee 114
Politosphere 258, 273
Polycrisis 22, 277
Poor 224
PopSim 78
Population explosion 78
Population pyramid 79
Population Simulation 78
Populist movements 277
Positive feedback 36
Postmodern imperialism 134
Poverty 128
Poverty spectrum 113

Figure 5.8:  The Poverty spectrum

Poverty trap 238
PPP$ 129
Precautionary principle 19, 179, 218, 283
Pre-industrial values 43
Pride (activism) 118, 226
Privacy 116
Product design 198
Professional 23, 280
Profit 20, 33, 126, 205, 255
Profit maximisation 106, 258, 268
Project management 166
Prosperity 33, 126
Pseudoscience 268, 277
Public-private partnership (PPP) 244
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 129
Purpose 212
Pyramid of Maslow 216, 230


Quadruple Helix 243
Quality of life 205
Quintuple Helix 243

Figure 10.8:  The Quintuple Helix, i.e. the Quadruple Helix of humanity, embedded in its natural environment


Radiative forcing 44
Reagan, Ronald 106
Rebound effect 39
Recession 210
Recycling 203
Red List of Threatened Species 174
Reformation 96
Refrigerator 147
Refugee 113
Regionalisation 86
Reliability 132
Religion 142
Religious leaders 249
Renaissance 96
RESFIA+D 11, 280, 285
Resilience 65, 183
Responsibility 91, 119, 181, 263, 283
Reuse 201
    American 99
    Commercial 105
    French 99
    Industrial 44, 251
    Latin 99
    Scientific 98
Rewilding 183
Rise up Climate Movement 64
Rome Statute 182
Room for the River 65
Roorda’s First Law 162
Roundup 181, 218
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 98
Rubisco 189
Rubric 23, 288
Russian Federation 103                                                                                              Figure 12.1:  RESFIA+D
Russian Revolution 166
Rwanda 102
Rwanda Tribunal 265


Sabotage 120
Safe country 114
Sahara 24, 55
Sahel 24
Say, Jean-Baptiste 105
Say’s Law 105
Scenarios 76
School strike for the climate 64
Science 258
Science fiction 149
Scientific revolution 98
Scramble for Africa 100
S-curve 151, 163
SDGs 16, 35, 125
Seattle’s speech 262
Second colonisation wave 100
Second Self-Awareness Wave 98
Security Council 138
SEEA 206
Self-actualisation 223
Self-awareness Wave
    First 96
    Fourth 118
    Second 98
    Third 102
Selfdetermination right 102
Self-fulfilling prophecy 291
Self-reinforcing effect 36
Senge, Peter 275
Sense of ownership 134
Serageldin, Ismael 30
Serfdom 96
Service economy 148, 203
Shareholder value 212
Shell 66, 196, 218
Shrinking human 115
Silent Spring 29, 180
Sixth Extinction 175
Slavery (contemporary) 233
Slaves 224
Slave trade 97
Slum 230
SMART 125, 166
SMEs 220
Smith, Adam 105
SNA 206
Social contract 21, 98, 243
Social exclusion 115
Socialism 257
Social sustainability 32, 98
Societal extractability 197
Soft law 215
Solar cells 58
Solar collectors 58
Solar radiation management (SRM) 59
Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) 58                                                        Figure 5.3:  The Scramble for Africa
Space (dimension) 34
Speciesism 258, 259
Spinoza, Baruch 98, 266
Stakeholder analysis 214, 283
Stakeholders 91
Stakeholder value 212
Standards 214
Standard scenario 76
Steady-State Economy 211
Stem cells 8
Stewardship 249
Stock exchange 105
Stock market crash 106
Stone Age 78
Strategic idealism 290
Sufficientarianism 241
Suffragettes 117
Surveillance cameras 116
    Glued-on 273
    Intrinsic 273
Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy (SSMS) 157
Sustainable capitalism 269
Sustainable development 30, 33
Sustainable Development 258
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 16, 35, 125
Sustainable Development Report 143
Sustainably competent professional 286
Syngenta 218
System boundaries 185
System Earth 185
Systemic change 15
System inertia 74
System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) 206
System of National Accounts (SNA) 206


Targets (of the SDGs) 127
Tar sands 197
Technical extractability 195
TechnoGarden 87, 187
Technological cycle 201
Territorial integrity 249
Thatcher, Margaret 106
The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASCC) 217
Theocracies 101
Thermal expansion 53
Thermohaline circulation 54
Third Self-awareness Wave 102
Third World 29
Three-Fold Helix 241
Three-North Shelterbelt 184
Thunberg, Greta 64
Tidal energy 58
Tied aid 134
Time (dimension) 34
Tipping point 51, 74
Tobacco industry 217
Tokyo 104
Too weakly inhibited growth 74
Top-down 164
Total external debt 135
Trade-off 85, 140
Trade wind 48
Tragedy of the Commons 39, 98, 107, 185, 190, 219
Trail of Tears 224
Transatlantic slave trade 97
Transdisciplinary 244
Transformation 163
Transgenic 189
Transition 148, 163, 209, 258, 274, 279
Transition management 166
Transparency 214, 283
Trend break 37                                                                                                             Figure 2.5:  The Triple P, not in balance
Trend shift 37
Trias politica 98
Trickle-Down Effect 239
Triple Bottomline 32, 216
Triple Helix 241
Triple P 11, 30, 212
True Cost Account (TCA) 204
True price 60, 204
Tube system 148
Tulip Mania 106
Tuna 178


Uighurs 103, 233
Uncertainty 283
UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 136
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 197
UN Global Compact (UNGC) 215
UN-Habitat 160
Uninhibited growth 72
Union 108
United Nations 98
United Nations Conference on Environment and
     Development (UNCED) 60, 125
United Nations Department of Economic and
    Social Affairs (UN DESA) 219
United Nations Framework Convention on
    Climate Change (UNFCCC) 60
United States of America 99
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 225
Universality 141
UN Security Council 138
Upcycling 203
Urgenda 65
Utilitarianism 258                                                                                              Figure 9.7:  UN Global Compact and other standards
Utility value 208
Utopia 81


Validity 132
Value 205, 255
     Added 205
     Economic 208
     Extrinsic 209
     Financial 205, 208
     Instrumental 209
     Intrinsic 209
     Utility 208
Value creation 205, 212, 268
Vanished professions 151
Vanuatu 66
Vertical farming 188
Vietnam War 181, 226
Vilcabamba River 262
Vision 163, 271


                                                                                                                     Figure 9.5:  Values of various types


Wage slaves 234
War 142, 181
War Child 278
Water footprint 8, 191
Wave generators 58
Wealth limit 241
Weakly inhibited growth 73
Weapons of mass destruction 105
Weaving fault 19, 106, 209
Weight factor 14
We (inclusiveness) 260, 262
Whanganui 261
WhatsApp 218
Wildlife crossings 184
Windmills 58
Window-dressing 216
Women 224
Words 21, 254                                                                            Figure 4.5 (Top part):  Past and expected World Population
World3 81
World Bank 111, 137
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) 217
World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) 30
World Economic Forum (WEF) 111
World government 123
World Heritage List 228
World Inequality Database (WID) 236
World population 71
World Trade Organisation (WTO) 111
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 175, 179, 278


Youth 225
Yucca Mountain 88
Yugoslavia Tribunal 265


Zeeland 11
Zero option 92
Zooming in 16
Zooming out 16
Zoonoses 173
Zuckerberg, Mark 112