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The evolution of Genimal 1309206003

Here are the movie clips of the evolution of genimal 1309206003. The genics and evolution of this species was described on the Genimal main page: see here.

1309206003 initially evolved fast, but then took a very long time for further improvements, and ended up as a real champion, considering its speed. Which is no wonder, if you look at those sexy long legs it developed. Please meet generation no. 408,663:

In the following series of short movie clips, you can watch step by step how this highly successful tree preditor evolves.

Generation  1: Baby genimal

Generation  12: Can't do much yet...

Generation  83: Trunk on tongue, does not help…

Generation  209: Trunk mutates into leg…

Generation  218: Leg grows longer…

Generation  229: Finding the first trees…!

Generation  318: More trees…

Generation  433: Got ‘m all…!

Generation  1001: Typically ‘anchor’ strategy …

Generation  2907: Faster, faster…

Generation  1828: Longer is my tail…

Generation  50,921: After a long wait:  a next step…

Generation  88,426: Wow, those legs…

Generation  406,757: Aeons later another step up…

Generation  90,435: ‘Hawk’ Strategy…?

Generation  622,059: World Champion! (for a short while?)