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Management Methods

The main Management Methods designed by Roorda are shown on this page. They are all scientifically validated; and they are applied by companies & NGOs, by universities & schools, and by individual professionals. Several of them have been used hundreds of times in many countries on four continents.

> Click on an image to go to the associated page.



SD Curriculum Scan

This method is also called "The Seven Competences for Sustainable Develop-ment". It is applied as an instrument for professional development and HRM.

Universities and Colleges apply RESFIA+D for the (re)development of competence profiles and curricula of BSc and MSc programs.


The FFEA system, currently only available in Dutch, is a strategic instrument for all kinds of organizations to discover if they are prepared for the future - and if not, how to increase the chances for survival.

A method for Universities and Colleges

The "Assessment Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education" is used as a strategic method for the implementation of SD.
It may be considered as the educational variant of TGO. It is available in several languages, e.g. English and Dutch.

FFEA: The details

More detailed information about FFEA  is available here. You will learn about its structure and about the way in which it it is applied.

A method for Universities and Colleges

The Scan is a method that maps the SD contents of a study program in a systematic way. As a result, not only the contents but also their relations become visible structurally, and "white spots" are discovered, as a first step towards curriculum improvements.

FFEA: The Extensions

Roorda developed many smaller tools, such as: scans, workshops, forums, serious (computer) games.
They can be used separately. FFEA offers a good way to discover which of them are suitable in a given context.