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FFEA:  The Extensions

> On the next pages, examples of the FFEA Extensions are described in detail.

Roorda developed a range of tools, such as: scans, workshops, forums, serious (computer) games.

In many cases, a selection of them are applied shortly after an overall assessment  with FFEA, Future Focused Entrepreneurship Assessment.
Usually such a strategic assessment indicates which tools are important for an organization to apply at that moment, as a part of the implementation of a strategy that resulted from the FFEA assessment.

Hence, the tools are together described as FFEA Extensions.

Although FFEA itself has so far been written in Dutch - no English edition yet - most FFEA Extensions can certainly be used in English as well as in Dutch.




Types of Tools

The tools are arranged according to the five modules of FFEA, as shown in the image on the right. Several kinds of tools are available:

Scan:  An assessment of an organization, a department or an individual

Workshop:  A short exercise for small groups, usually for ca. 1 hour

Forum:  A group activity in which a discussion tries to lead to consensus

Serious Game:  A computer game designed for a purpose other than pure entertainment: in this case, for education and personal development. 

Cursus (in Dutch) / Course (in English):  A combination of a book, lectures, workshops, scans, etc.; varying between half a day, a full day, or several days, distributed over a week, a month or even more. Standardized courses are available; they can be adapted taylor-made to the wishes and circumstances of clients: in-company courses as well as well as training programs for (groups of) individuals.

Certificaat:  For FFEA, a certificate is in development, to be awarded to companies and other organizations.

Examples of Extensions



Cursus: Basisboek DO

Workshop: Gagnon Foods

Workshop: The Discharge

Primary Process
(Primair Proces)

Scan: Target group analysis

Scan: SD Process scan

Serious game: EPU

Workshop: In the Rucksack

Workshop: BackelBioChem


Forum: Perspectives

Serious game: PopSim

Workshop: From the Future

Workshop: The Newspaper


Forum: Product to service

Forum: Stakeholder value

Scan: Value Schedules




Identity  (Identiteit)



Scan: Extended Stakeholder Analysis

Scan: Checklist gevoelige thema’s

Forum: Communication Plan Plan

Certificate: FFEA